1 Frame/Sec
Bachelor Project 2014
1 Frame/Sec is a mixed media Fashion Project based on Film Stills, and the influence of cinema on photography. There are two version of film stills. It can be an extracted frame from the original filmstrip, or a staged scene, taken extra for advertising. In this project I analyted both ways, and I experimented also with a third version, with “video stills”.
Part 2 is a Super8 film, mixed with digital video, concentrated on the fabric, material and mood of the dresses. The Still - Diptych are extracted analogue from the Super8 footage.
Director + Camera + Edit Johanna Hullár
Camera 2 Bálint Meggyesi
Model Robby Babbel
Styling Hannah Schorch
Fashion HTW Berlin, Hannah Schorch
Leder Accesoires Butcherei Lindinger
Musik Zebra Katz Blk Wiccan
Berlin 2014